French Lessons By Skype, Phone and E-Mail

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Learn French by Skype lessons
French Lessons by Telephone
Learn French from the comfort of your home with a friendly native French teacher via Internet or telephone
Learn French online in a way that’s flexible, effective and fun
French courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced learners
Learn French wherever you want
An effective way to learn a new language
A proven innovative method to learn, practise and advance your French
No wasted travel time – learn instead
Lessons to fit your schedule
Tailor-made courses to suit your needs whatever your level
Lessons are interesting and fun
Experienced and qualified French-native tutors
GCSE and A level boosters
Bespoke French lessons by Skype with French-native specialists in distance teaching


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  • My daughter, now at Exeter University reading French, and my son, now in Year 13, each started with Nolwenn when they entered Year 7. Between them, they have 14 years of experience with Nolwen. I think that in itself is sufficient recommendation! However, I should add that more than one of my daughter's university tutors have remarked on the quality of her accent, and she has received excellent all-round marks for her French language. My son recently received his AS results, and his highets marks were for French.

    Yvette Beaconsfield
  • The convenience of Skype lessons and Nolwenn's excellent teaching skills have been a perfect combination for me. Nolwenn's supportive approach enables a comfortable learning environment and ensures she gets the best out of you. I have been learning French with Nolwenn for the past 3 years and I can't recommend her highly enough.

    Katherine Jobber
  • I came to Nolwenn as an adult learner who, not having tried particularly hard with my French at school, now want to improve my French for pleasure. Nolwenn has a lovely relaxed manor in her telephone lessons which put me at my ease almost immediately. She is very encouraging and supportive and also has a way of making the lessons fun. In addition, she is excellent at identifying areas which I need to work on and preparing little exercises centered around those areas which she emails me in advance of our lessons. Her service is excellent and very professional.

    Nia Francis-Scrutton
  • I started learning French with Nolwenn from the age of 8 and I continued my sessions with her all the way to my GCSEs and A-levels. It was a fun and memorable experience. Thanks to Nolwenn’s consistent support I achieved high grades in my French exams. She is a patient and motivating teacher who was genuinely concerned about my progress and would always ensure I was given enough attention. My younger sister has also been having sessions with Nolwenn and is performing very well in her year 8 French tests at school. She is having just as much fun learning French as I did

    Kimya Tahan
  • Nolwenn is an exceptionally dedicated French teacher, with a well-crafted methodology for successful online teaching. Each session is well thought out and the pupil's areas of weakness are dealt with fully. I found Nolwenn through an online search for a native French tutor for my son's IGCSE. She tutored him weekly for a whole year, and applied a systematic approach that ensured that my son was able to grow massively in his understanding and in his confidence in the use of the language. Together with this, she provided excellent tactical advice for exam preparation. The result was extremely pleasing - my son exceeded his school's expectations and went on to achieve a high A* in his IGCSE French exam.

    Ami Kotecha

Lessons Tailored To Your Needs

The objectives of the course will be to develop your speaking and listening skills. Additionally, you will improve your writing and reading capabilities so that you can understand and deal with written documents. Each tuition will be carefully structured to include a balance of functional, topical, lexical and grammatical input, and the tutor will give you homework so that you can practice your written skills. The first step is to assess your level and define your linguistic needs so that a programme can be written specifically for you.

Qualified Native Speaking Tutors

All tutors are qualified French native-speaking teachers. This is a real advantage for you to get the right pronunciation immediately and to learn the way French is spoken.

Our Proven Method

All our tutors use the communicative approach – 100% speaking and listening whatever your level is. You call the tutor and the lesson starts from there.

Quality Resources

All our documents are specifically designed for lessons by Skype or phone. There is no need to write notes during the lesson. You can fully concentrate on your French; this enhances your listening skills and comprehension. After the lesson you receive the notes, handouts and Mp3s useful for revision. Also, you can get personalised online flashcards that help you memorise through games, perfect to use on your mobile or computer.

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